Monday 12 February 2018

Stonecrest Olympics

What an awesome day! We started off by being divided up into different countries participating in the Olympics. Each country had students from kindergarten to grade 8. Our students went to various classrooms and learned about their country and made a flag. As a group, each team came up with a chant for their country.

We then went to the gym for an assembly. It was rather awe inspiring as the students of all ages were literally vibrating with excitement, waving flags, it was loud and fun! We entered as a parade of athletes just as they did in South Korea last Friday. 
It was inspiring!We even had a video message from Todd Nicholson who is currently in Pyeongchang and his family brought some real torches brought from previous games. After lunch, we went outdoors, and did a torch relay around our large yard. Each team had a representative carry our torch and would pass it on to the next. Congratulations to Lleyton and Ewen who were chosen to carry the torch for Belarus and Croatia. They were chosen as they represent the characteristics of Olympic spirit. 
Once the torch had made its way around the yard, the entire school population sang O Canada, some students brought in the Olympic flag and the Canadian flag. Congratulations Justyce for being chosen as a flag bearer.
Once we all recited the oath of athletes, the games were declared “open”! Watch for updates as we compete in different sports in the upcoming weeks. 
Even Mr. Fox made an appearance!
Hopefully your child shared some of the excitement with you. Could they recall their country?

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