Monday 29 September 2014

Two digit numbers

For many students, identifying the numerals from 0 to 10 is somewhat simple. Recognition of two digit numbers are considerably more difficult. Most difficult are the numerals from 10 to 20, as they don't necessarily follow the same pattern(23, we say the 2 or twenty first, then we say the three, for 17, we say the second number-7 first!). We have been playing a variety of games that reinforce recognition of numerals 10 to 20. The hint we always whisper to them is "if it is a 2 digit number and it starts with a 1, it is probably,...a teen. We have also been talking about 1,2 and 3 digit numbers. Please take every opportunity to identify numbers (specifically 2 digit numbers) whenever possible, i.e. Traffic speed limit signs, in flyers, on tv, on signs etc.
It was very interesting to note all the patterns that the students found once we built this number chart together. 

Great day for the Terry Fox Run

What a beautiful day for the Terry Fox Run! We were so proud of the students, they ran and walked so hard for the entire half hour. No doubt, there were some tired people that night.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Terry Fox Run

Please remember that on Thursday, September 25th, Stonecrest will be holding it's annual Terry Fox Run.  Kindergarten students will run with the rest of the students in the school.  Please make sure your child is in comfortable clothing that he or she is able to run in.  Let us know if you would like a pledge form, or you may make pledges online.

Accidents Happen

Our Kindergarten day is a busy one.  There are often accidents requiring a change of clothing.  Students get wet or dirty outside on the yard, with spills at lunch or involving paint or the water centre and bathroom accidents occur.  PLEASE send your child with an extra set of clothing and leave it in his or her schoolbag.

Monday 22 September 2014

Bird watching

We are so fortunate, we have big, bright windows overlooking green space in our classroom. We have a bird feeder hanging close to the window and a variety of feathered friends pay a regular visit. Every day or 2 a handful of students accompany the teacher outdoors in order to refill the feeder. We have been keenly watching the goldfinches whose plumage has started to change into it's winter browns from it's bright, beautiful summer gold. That has given us some opportunity to discuss how different animals adapt to our winter. The raucous blue jays have also been loudly announcing their visit to the feeder.  What a great way to encourage environmental awareness and responsibility!

Friday 19 September 2014

Our butterfly leaves!

This morning, we arrived to discover that the chrysalis had transformed into a beautiful monarch butterfly overnight! After watching it flutter about and stretch it's wings in it's small container, we went outdoors this afternoon to let it free. Hoping to give each child a chance to allow it to land on them, we were surprised to see him flutter off immediately after landing on only 2 students. One student became so distraught, he began to cry, sobbing "I am going to miss him!" Happy travels fellow!

Thursday 18 September 2014

So many little time

It was "Meet the Teacher" Night earlier this week. I must apologize, there were so many families who came to visit the classroom, and introduce themselves, I did not get the opportunity to say "hello" to everyone. It was a very busy evening. Should you wish to meet with us, or see the classroom, please feel free to contact me on the blog, via email, or by writing a note in your child's note tote!

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Music and Movement

At least once each day,our class is involved in some sort of Music and Movement activity.  Ms. Byrne always has them involved in a variety of stories and games that engage the students.  They are absolutely captivated by the stories.  Maybe you have heard about them at home?
Wearing our "disguises" from the story: The Big Hungry Bear and the Red, Ripe Strawberry

Making a loud ruckus with instruments when reading Robert Munch's story "Mortimer"!

A lovely princess from the Princess Story.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Carp Fair Entries

 This week and next will be very busy preparing some entries for the ever-popular Carp Fair.  We are creating some sunflowers in the English room, while in the French classroom, the students will have the opportunity to make necklaces.  We will also be making some apples from paper bags.  Our sunflowers have turned out beautifully!  Sure hope we have some winners!

Magic Goop

Developing fine motor skills is essential in the Kindergarten program.  Our students have many opportunities to experiment and  play in a variety of sensory activities such as "slime", "goop", playdough, etc.  This week, we have some "Chocolate Milk Slime".  Unlike most times, it has been purchased rather than made.  The students have really been enjoying manipulating it, stretching it, pushing it and hiding some dinosaurs in it.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Looking for...paint sticks

If anyone has any unused paint sticks around your home, we are hoping to make alphabet sticks with them (thus, we need 26).  They are very versatile objects and we could use many for a variety of games and gadgets.  Next time, you are purchasing paint, please consider picking up an extra stick for us! Thank you.

Our First Inquiry

Students in the Full Day Kindergarten are encouraged to ask questions, investigate topics, examine and explore the world around them with an inquisitive sense.  As educators, we try to listen to their "wonderings" and provide materials and resources to aid the students to find the answers to their questions in a collaborative manner.  When collecting crickets last week, one boy noticed them chirping and asked how the crickets made the sound.  So began our first inquiry!  By researching on the internet, we found out that crickets rub one wing on another.  One wing has small ridges.  In doing so, it makes the high pitched chirping sound.  We tried to find a way to make a similar sound within the classroom.  We used a variety of musical instruments as well as basic plastic combs.  We discovered that by rubbing the ridged object, on various surfaces, it could make a sound that was similar to a cricket.  Many students agreed that the combs made a chirping sound most like the cricket.

Daily Phys. Ed.

This year, our Kindergarten classes are very fortunate.  Built into our schedule is daily gym time.  Each day, all the Kindergarten classes will enjoy some physical education.  Some days, it will be in the gym (sometimes shared with the other Senior Kindergarten French Immersion class), and some days it will be on our new stage.  Other days, it will be outdoors.  This happens at the last part of the day.  While the weather is still nice, we may take advantage of our beautiful outdoors.  Yesterday, we were playing chicken tag!  We did LOTS of running!

Weekend Changes!

Wow, over the weekend, much had changed in our Science centre.  Our monarch caterpillar has crawled onto the mesh in his environment and has formed a beautiful chrysalis.  Now, we have to wait and see how long before he makes his way out as a butterfly.  Hopefully, we will get to watch the process.  Then, our large garden spider had created a cocoon looking contraption on it's web and is now small in comparison to how large it was last week.  We brainstormed for what had happened, and the students were correct in guessing that it had laid eggs.  After researching on the internet, we discovered that there can be upwards of 1000 eggs in the egg pouch, but they won't come out until next year! We have also been investigating how crickets make their sounds.  We have been observing (and listening to) one in song within the classroom. We have discovered that it rubs it's wings together.  Today, we are going to try to imitate it's sound with a variety of instruments and objects.  Did you know that only the male crickets sing?

Sunday 7 September 2014

Hot Lunch

You have likely noticed that hot lunch orders information was dispersed last week.  This is an exciting time for the students (and the parents/guardians at home who make lunches!!!)  With so many choices, we anticipate that the Thursday hot lunch order may be somewhat more challenging with one adult delivering a variety of food items to a large class.  Please be aware that the portions are suitable for all grade levels (should you order for your Kindergarten child, there may be some leftovers that come home).  Also, please be aware that the food is not delivered until the second nutrition break at 1:50.  All orders are processed online.  To order pizza or daily milk/juice, go to the Stonecrest School Council website at The deadline for ordering is September 19. To order from Lunch Lady, please visit

Friday 5 September 2014

Nature at it's best!

 We like to go outside for many nature walks.  We are so lucky that our school has a wooded, natural area for us to explore. On our walk, we were looking among the milkweed plants for a monarch caterpillar, but weren't so lucky, but some of the students with their sharp, keen eyes managed to find a praying mantis. We brought him into the classroom, where he joins the minnows, frogs, large garden spider and the monarch caterpillar that we already have.  The students have been so excited to have these creatures in our room.  We have also been collecting the food necessary to keep them alive.  So much learning occurs as a result of studying these creatures in their natural habitat.

Thursday 4 September 2014

School Supplies

Thank you for the school supplies that many of you have already sent in.  Some families have been asking for the list.  Here is the JK-Grade 3 school supply list as set by the OCDSB:

*12 pencils                   *2 erasers (preferably white)
*1 pkg crayons             *1 metric ruler
*1 pkg pencil crayons   *2 glue sticks
*1 pkg markers             *1 pair of blunt scissors

School Shoes

 Just a reminder that your child will need a pair of indoor shoes to wear while at school that will be different from the footwear worn to and from school and while out at recess.  Indoor shoes will be kept at school, and will be transferred back and forth between the English and French classes so that upon your child's arrival, his or her shoes are waiting for them in the appropriate class.  The weather has been cooperating recently, however, once the wet, muddy weather arrives, the outdoor shoes bring in a lot of mud and sand requiring the need for a second pair of shoes.  If your child wears lace up shoes, please be sure that they are able to manage these independently. Thank you for your cooperation!

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Welcome Back!

We are so thrilled to be back and ready for another year with an eager new bunch of students.  Cassie Byrne and myself, Jodie Sonnenburg make up the English educational team of the French Immersion program.  We have a wonderful new (to us!) classroom and with the help of the students, are beginning to make it our own.  It is big and bright.  I am really looking forward to feeding the birds just outside our large windows this fall and winter.

We already know many of the students, having taught them last year, or, having met them on the yard or on the buses. We welcome all the students and families new to Stonecrest and hope you enjoy our school as much as we do! We look forward to getting to know each student well in the upcoming months.

Hopefully, you will have the opportunity to pop in and say "Hi" soon.  Our Meet the Teacher night is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 16.  At that point, we will have the chance to meet, or visit.  Until then, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to let us know via email, or a note in your child's Note Tote.