Sunday 23 April 2017

Magic Potions!

 Magic Potions Anyone?! 

The students have recently been interested in our science table discovering bottles! They have been pretending and using them as magic potions during their free play. We decided that it would be fun to have the students create their very own magic potions!

We had a variety of materials out so the students could mix together their own potions! Salt, vinegar, baking soda, dish soap, lemon juice, glitter, etc. They really enjoyed seeing what all the materials did when they were mixed together.

Cohen and Reagan mixing their magic potions!

Braydan working on writing his label for his magic potion!

We had a variety of creative magic potions: 
*Jumping Potions
*Flying Potions
*Fire and Ice Potions
*Friendship Potions

Easton and Braydan decided that their potions could make them fly!

Monday 17 April 2017



We sent a note home with the children on Thursday to inform you about Spirit Week! April 18-April 21





Thanks! We can't wait to see all the Stonecrest Spirit!

Crazy Hair Day!

Character Day!

A Cute Little Visitor!

HOP........HOP.......HOP.......HERMAN The Bunny was Here!

We had a cute little visitor that came to school and visited with the green group before the Easter long weekend! Herman the bunny was super friendly and excited to meet all the children:)

Herman was so relaxed around the kids he decided to stretch out and lay down!

Herman getting a hug from Eva

We had many great questions from the children such as:
"Does the bunny walk standing up?"
"What does the bunny eat?"
"Where did you get the bunny?"

Ewen and Madame Gallant were experts on answering all their questions!

Thanks for visiting us Herman:) And thanks Ewen and Madame Gallant for sharing Herman with us! 

Monday 10 April 2017

Where does your fruit come from?!


This is how our fruit wall started......
This is how our fruit wall grew........

So you might be wondering why all of a sudden your child has an interest in where their fruit is coming from, or why they are asking you to leave the stickers on their fruit! 
Well it started off with a picture of an apple and banana in the classroom, explaining to the children that on their fruit there is sometimes a sticker and on that sticker we can see where the fruit is coming from! This has been a BIG hit in our classroom! 

It has turned out to be quite a big interest in our classroom and is now bringing up many fantastic questions that we are going to be exploring! 
"How does the fruit get to Canada?"
"What country do we live in?"
"How does the fruit grow?"

Lily is pointing to Guatemala where her banana came from!

We set up a map during nutrition break and when a child brings a sticker we look to see where the fruit has traveled from!

Ayla and Cali super excited to add to our sticker collection!

The Blue Group decided to graph our most popular fruit to see where the banana's were coming from. The majority of our banana's have traveled from Guatemala. Most of the children can now point to where Guatemala is on the world map! 

We brainstormed and discussed how the fruit travels to Canada by boat, plane, etc. We also talked about how different fruit grows in different places.

The Green Group graphed and discussed our second most popular fruit....APPLES! Most of our apples traveled from the United States! Most of the children can now point to where the USA is on the world map!

Ryder enjoying his banana from Guatemala! 

Islay enjoying her apple!

Angela brought in a pineapple labeled to add to our fruit wall!

Hunter enjoying his watermelon!

Sunday 2 April 2017

Estimating Fun!


We have been talking about Estimating the last couple of weeks. What does it mean to estimate? We discussed what is a reasonable guess? We looked at different materials and focused on their size, big and small.

Clipboards and materials for the children to ask their friends to estimate!
We got to explore and estimate inside and outside of the classroom. Estimate how many cars are in the school parking lot?

How many pine needles are there on this branch?

Estimating and counting braids!

Estimating how many bricks on the wall?

Xaniel estimate how many rocks are in this cup?

Aden asking Justyce to estimate the amount of cubes in his cup.

Kaelem asking Ms.Kemp to estimate!

Mrs. Klein how many rocks do you think are in this cup?

We also did a group activity at the end of our two weeks and got to estimate some "candy" yummy!

Jaxon correctly guessed how many jelly beans were in the cup! 31:)