Monday 27 February 2017



We have recently had the children asking some questions like, "How does snow fall from the sky?" or "How come the clouds are dark today?" So we have been talking about different kinds of weather and doing some experiments to find out some answers to these really great questions!

 Our Science table, weather books and some weather sensory bottles to explore!

 We brought in a jar to do a science experiment with the children to show them how clouds work! This particular experiment uses water, shaving cream to represent the clouds, and blue food coloring to represent the rain. They were amazed to see after some time, the "clouds" (shaving cream) gets full and the "rain" (food coloring) falls from the clouds.

Some Predictions from the Blue Class: "It's going to rain"-Bridget
"The blue is going to sit there until it gets full and starts to rain."-Ivy

Patiently waiting for the "clouds" to "rain"

"Wow! Look Ms. Byrne it's raining!"-JK Group 

We had a few "scientists" in our class, draw and record what they saw!

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